Friday, July 9, 2021

F4 Monday, July 5 through Friday, July 9, 2021


Bible Verses*
cc rule
In a Nutshell
Strangler Fig
Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator
KWO ---> essay      
1s, 4s, 5s, and 7s always take a comma
CHECKLIST template 
7s and 8s
Make it better, don't make it weird.

Friday, July 9

Thursday, July 8
Aiden absent (traveling to S.A.?) We could not continue bios . . 
Lesson Plan change: Stuttering (TW)

Wednesday, July 7
Warn-up -- rewrite Aiden's with NO banned words
lesson BIO intro and conclusion

Tuesday, July 6
All at Aiden's house? Twins forgot KWOs ---> Lesson Plan changed!
ABC stories

Monday, July 5
Biography Essay - continued - write body paragraphs
Kael - Thomas Edison
Julian - George Washington
Andre - Alexander the Great
Aiden - George Bush
*Bible Verses: John 3:16 (week 1)
23rd Psalm (week 2)
Joshua 24:15 (week 3 partial)

THE INTRODUCTION (3 things to remember)

1) Open w/ an attention grabber to hook the audience’s interest.  
Consider these options:
  an intriguing example                                                       
 a great quote that makes sense with your essay                      
 a vivid and perhaps unexpected anecdote                      
 a thought-provoking question
2) Avoid statements like, “In this paper, I will . . . . “
Say what you mean in a declarative sentence. 
3) Include your THESIS STATEMENT . . .


Write a 3 pronged academic thesis statement. It tells your reader what your three topics are. Your thesis is located at the end of the introduction. 


What are your three topics?

(What is the main idea of paragraph 1) Topic 1

(What is the main idea of paragraph 2) Topic 2

(What is the main idea of paragraph 3) Topic 3    

EXAMPLES:                                                                                                                                                                                   • In order to better understand Twyla Tharp, one must be familiar with her early life, her choreography, and her life philosophy.                                                                                                                                                                     • It is important to consider Gene Kelly's childhood, training, and career highlights. 


THE CONCLUSION (3 things to remember)
1) Never add new information in your conclusion.
2) Make your readers glad they read your essay.
This last paragraph gives your reader something to take away that will help them
see things differently and appreciate your essay's content.

3) The most significant thing about (your stance ) is/was (one topic paragraph point).
This should be your last or second to last sentence.
You can use a synonym for “significant” (important, inspiring, helpful, compelling, etc.).