Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wednesday Class Homework DUE: 6-3-2020

It was a pleasure to meet you in class today! I was very impressed with your behavior and your participation. I think each of you have growth mindsets!

Your assignment is to write an essay about the speech we watched in class. Share your google doc with me. <keystonewoodlands@gmail.com>

Be sure to cover these points:

1) Tell the reader that you watched a speech about mindsets.
Feel free to share what was important to you in that speech. Let the reader know who gave the speech and how old he was.

2) Explain (define) both mindsets.

3) Give an example from your own life of when you went from a fixed to a growth mindset and the results of changing your attitude.

4) Tell the reader abut the magic word, "yet."  Write at least two examples (sentences) where adding the magic word changes the attitude to a growth mindset.

Be sure to mention the book and the author that Carson Byblow (5th grade) references. The book is Mindsets, by Carol Dweck.

Here is the video in case you would like to re-watch it.