Key Word Outlining is an efficient note-taking method which also helps make your writing original.  When the “rules” are followed, you are freed from the wording of the original source. Once you learn and practice key word outlining, you will never need to plagiarize or “copy and paste” to produce a paper. Key Word Outlining trains you to minimally note the information you need, leaving you free to write in your own words.

Saying things in one’s own way is completely natural. After hearing someone relate a story or an interesting news item, no one uses the words of the original speaker when repeating the information. People tend to remember the facts that they think are the most important or most interesting and repeat them in their own words.

Unfortunately, words on a page are not so easily escaped. The challenge in writing from written sources is to get away from the original source so that the language that comes out is itself original. Key Word Outlining is the easiest way to escape the trap of repeating a source.


Here are the “rules” for beginning key word outlining:

  1. For each sentence or fact, pick out 3 words that are most important. These words should convey the most information facts.   
  2. You may use abbreviations, symbols, and numbers in place of words.  These are “free”; they do not count as your 3 words.  Use standard abbreviations. The symbols should be recognizable enough that you will be able to remember what they mean when you come back to your outline at a later time.
  3. For each fact, list 3 Key Words and any needed numbers, symbols, and abbreviations.  
  4. Do not try to reproduce entire sentences for your outline. Be as brief as possible.  You want to be able to write the ideas in your own words.  Using too many words from the original makes it difficult to be original.
  5. You may use synonyms in your KWO in place of the original word(s).  Sometimes a good synonym can be used to take the place of 2-3 words.

Here is a simple one:

Here is a more complex one. This writer forgot to number the lines.

Here is one more example. This writer forgot the title and to number the lines
The writer also forgot to skip a space between lines.