Friday, June 4, 2021

F4 Wednesday 6-2-21 through Friday 6-4-21

This week in a nutshell:

KWO (Strangler Fig)
talked back
create essay
get rid of banned words

Most common conjunctions:

FANBOYS- For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

Comma Conjunction rule (cc rule)

Magic 3s (M 3s):
3 of the same part of speech in a sentence
*Do not overuse! About two per Paragraph is okay.

KWO rule review (& introduction for Aiden)

Strangler Fig 

1) KWO together 

2) individually

"Talk back" tomorrow (Thursday, June 3, 2021)

The Key Word Outline helps maintain focus on the main idea of each sentence in a source text (or class lecture, or research).  

Students can easily find out if they have focused on the main ideas when they attempt to re-write their sentences using only their key words.

If they haven’t, they will have a difficult time re-writing the sentence (and at that point, they should review the original text and reconsider their choice of key words).

Understanding and being able to articulate the main idea of a text is a critical skill all students need to become well-educated adults.


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