Friday, August 6, 2021

CC Rule


1) He wants to visit Rome and Paris.

What is this conjunction:  and

Add a comma if it is needed.

2) Make the bed and then sweep the floor.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

3) Turn left at the light and go all the way to the bridge.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

4) She loves math  yet she gets bad grades in class.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

5) I will drive her to school  so she does not have to walk

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

6) It is easy for her.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

7) This is not a root nor is this.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

8) It will be a rainy day or a sunny day.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

9) They want burgers but they have no money.

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

10) The want burger but have no money

What is this conjunction:  

Add a comma if it is needed.

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