Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Mona Lisa (Source Videos & Source Text)

The Mona Lisa 
Great Art Explained

The Mona Lisa TEDed

Image result for facts about the mona lisa

Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP

Indicate 1 of every OPENER

Indicate 1 DEC

Indicate 1 M3

Make sure you have TT/CC

NO banned words, contractions, dialogue

Double Space!


Just in case you have trouble with Abstract Noun OPENERs, I have included a list of (8)s that could be worked into your essay — You may choose one and make an (8) sentence.


(8) Beauty might be the first word that pops into one’s mind when describing the Mona Lisa.


(8) Mystery surrounds one of the greatest pieces of art of all times.


(8) Intrigue and fascination might be part of the reason that the Mona Lisa is such a beloved piece of art.


(8) Confusion reigned when the Mona Lisa was discovered to be missing. 





  • It may be unfinished. ...

  • It was once believed to be a self-portrait. ...

  • It once hung in Napoleon's bedroom. ...

  • It was stolen in 1911. ...

  • Pablo Picasso was one of the suspects in the theft. ...

  • It has been attacked multiple times. ...

  • It was brought to America at the request of Jackie Kennedy.

  • For such a famous painting, it is surprisingly small; it measures just 30 inches by 21 inches

  • Mona Lisa has no eyebrows because it was the fashion in the Renaissance to shave them. Women shaved their facial hair, including their eyebrows, then.  Ahhhh! But . . . . In October 2007, Pascal Cotte, a French engineer and inventor, says he discovered with a high-definition camera that Leonardo da Vinci originally did paint eyebrows and eyelashes.

  • Leonardo was an Italian, but he sold the painting to the king of France. 

  • Today, it is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

  • The Mona Lisa is protected by a bullet-proof glass, which has only been replaced once.

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