Monday, October 3, 2022

Christopher Columbus


    Christopher Columbus was born in 1436, in Genoa, Italy. When he was a child, he developed a great interest in maps and astronomy. His studies of maps and astronomy led him to believe the world was round. This was unusual in the 1400s because at that time, most people thought the earth was flat. Ultimately Columbus’ studies led him to speculate that the best route to the East Indies would be to sail due west. He charted his course to reach the East. His plans were to land on the shores of the Indies, which is present day Japan. The only barrier to setting sail was a lack of money.  After 18 years of presenting his plan before the kings and queens of many nations, finally one Queen agreed. Queen Isabella, of Portugal, sponsored his voyage. Excited about the possibilities, Christopher Columbus made plans to embark.

 In 1492, Columbus began on his journey and set sail due west. He sailed with three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. After a little over two months of sailing things became very difficult. He was  dealing with fearful, nearly mutinous sailors. At last they spotted land. Presuming they had sailed to the Indies, so Columbus named the people they met “Indians.” While the languages and the gifts Columbus received from these people were not what he expected, he continued to believe he had reached his destination. Natives of the land did not bring  the spices and silks he was expecting. These Indians brought Columbus parrots, cotton bolls, sweet potatoes, green peppers, and pineapples.  

Queen Isabella was pleased with Columbus’ find and agreed to pay for several more trips to the “Indies.” Columbus died thinking he had found a route to the East by sailing west. What he actually discovered was much greater.

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