Monday, January 16, 2023

Examples of Correct Indications for DRESS UPs and OPENERs

Bold and underline the DRESS UP word.

Indicating a w/w DRESS UP:

Toby, who was a kind student, helped Scarlett carry her books.

The cat's bowl, which was filled with dumplings, was my mother's favorite piece of china.

Indicating a bc DRESS UP:

Her favorite subject was math because she was very good at it.

My brother walked with me to the swim meet because he wanted to make sure I was safe.

Indicating a QA (Quality Adjective) DRESS UP:

Her impeccable taste made her the most successful interior decorator in the town.


To indicate (label) an OPENER:

• Place bolded parenthesis in front of the sentence. 

• Put the correct number or letter inside the parenthesis.

• Bold and highlight the number or letter in the parentheses 

• Do not do anything to the sentence itself.

(S)   (1)    (2)    (3)    (4)    (5)   (6)    (7)   (8)      

Indicating a subject OPENER:

(S) The office worker was late for his meeting.

Indicating a because OPENER:

(1) Because it was cold outside, I wore my fur coat.

Indicating an "ing" OPENER:

(4) Blinking up at the sunny blue sky, Grace's heart skipped a beat in happy anticipation of the tennis lesson.

Indicating an abstract noun OPENER:

(8) Determination is necessary for a student to be successful.


Helpful hints:
When writing an asia DRESS UP or OPENER sentence, never use the words "when" or "where" as question words. 

The OPENERS (1),  (4),  (5),  and (7)  ALWAYS need a comma. 

Example sentences for DRESS UPs and OPENERs:

If you need help with (2)s, go to this link.

If you need help with (4)s, go to this link.

If you need help with (7)s, go to this link.

If you need help with (8)s, go to this link.

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