Thursday, March 30, 2023

Jabberwocky Compare/Contrast Essay

IDEAS  for the comparisons . . . 

fantasy setting  

as w/ Tolkien series, Percy Jackson, King Arthur,  Odysseus

young boy as hero  ("son" and "boy")

David, Percy Jackson, The Little Prince

willing hero archetype  

David, King Arthur, Harriet Tubman

hero setting out on a great quest  (“long time the maxome foe he sought”) 

Harriet Tubman, Phileas Fogg from Around the World in 80 Days, Christopher Columbus)

other dangers (“Jub Jub bird and Bandersnatch”)  

A Night Divided, by Jennifer A. Nielsen- the problems along the way to freedom,

The Wizard of Oz)

seemingly insurmountable foe and/or other dangers

Atticus Finch/prejudice, David/Goliath

foe sneaking up on the hero (“and an in uffish thought he stood. . .& burbled as it came)

cutting off of the foe's head 

David/ Goliath, Hercules/Hydra, Beowulf/Grendel

hero's welcome  

Donner Party returning to settlement, Cast Away protagonist, returning soldiers)


the Wicked Witch - the Wizard of Oz, Goliath - the Bible, Abiyoyo - African Folktale,

Smaug -Tolkien, the Terrible Whatzit -Dick Gackenbach, Jadis - Narnia, the Grinch -

Dr. Suess

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ideas 4 FAT Body Paragraph / Jabberwocky


• --> Bio on Lewis Carroll 

• --> Background info on the time period - 
written in 1871 

• --> Analyze the literal v. the possible figurative meaning(s) of the story. What might it represent?

• --> Take a look at the many ways this has been interpreted in performance situations.

• --> Dive deeper into the weapon used. What does that tell us about the story, the character, the time period, etc. ?

• --> Compare to other stories that result in victory over a foe or threat.
(Possibly St. George and the Dragon, Abayoyo, David and Goliath, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Beowulf

• -->  Look at the alternate POV. What might the the story be from the Jabberwock's perspective?

• --> Why is this an appealing story & poem for both children and adults?  Analysis of Carroll's "Jabberwocky" 

• --> What is the Jabberwocky? What does it represent? What other beasts is it like? 

• -->  A comparison to Voldemort from Harry Potter, Grendel from Beowulf, Frankenstein, Dracula, the Kraken from Norse Mythology, Scylla from Homer's Odyssey,  Balrog from Lord of the Rings, or Smaug from The Hobbit

• --> Which of the "Seven Basic Plots" is Jabberwocky?  
Why might it be compared to Beowulf or Lord of the Rings?

• --> A discussion of the topic clincher that Lewis uses in the book. Is it effective. Why? or why not? What does it mean?

• --> Focus on nonsense words:
History of nonsense stories 
A look at specific words possibly including portmanteau* 
Examples of how we understand the nonsense words based on syntax and similarity of sounds 
The number of nonsense words in the poem  and those that are now commonly used

* A portmanteau (pronounced port-MAN-toe) is a word made by blending at least two words. The new word combines both the sounds and meanings of the originals. To form a portmanteau, usually the first segment of one word is attached to the final segment of another word

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, (born January 27, 1832, Daresbury, Cheshire, England—died January 14, 1898, Guildford, Surrey), English logician, mathematician, and photographer. He is best remembered as a novelist, especially remembered for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass (1871).

Early Life

Dodgson was the eldest son and third child in a family of seven girls and four boys born to Frances Jane Lutwidge, the wife of the Rev. Charles Dodgson. The Dodgson children, living as they did in an isolated country village, had few friends outside the family but, like many other families in similar circumstances, found little difficulty in entertaining themselves. Charles from the first showed a great aptitude for inventing games to amuse them. With the move to Croft when he was 12 came the beginning of the “Rectory Magazines,” manuscript compilations to which all the family were supposed to contribute.

Young Dodgson attended Richmond School, Yorkshire (1844–45), and then proceeded to Rugby School (1846–50). He disliked his four years at public school, principally because of his innate shyness, although he was also subjected to a certain amount of bullying; he also endured several illnesses, one of which left him deaf in one ear. After Rugby he spent a further year being tutored by his father, during which time he matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford (May 23, 1850). He went into residence as an undergraduate there on January 24, 1851.

Oxford and the Liddell

Dodgson excelled in his mathematical and classical studies in 1852; on the strength of his performance in examinations, he was nominated to a studentship (called a scholarship in other colleges). In 1854 he gained a first in mathematical Finals—coming out at the head of the class—and proceeded to a bachelor of arts degree in December of the same year. He was made a “Master of the House” and a senior student (called a fellow in other colleges) the following year and was appointed lecturer in mathematics (the equivalent of today’s tutor), a post he resigned in 1881. He held his studentship until the end of his life.  

As was the case with all fellowships at that time, the studentship at Christ Church was dependent upon his remaining unmarried, and, by the terms of this particular endowment, proceeding to holy orders. Dodgson was ordained a deacon in the Church of England on December 22, 1861. Had he gone on to become a priest, he could have married and would then have been appointed to a parish by the college. But he felt himself unsuited for parish work and, though he considered the possibility of marriage, decided that he was perfectly content to remain a bachelor.

Dodgson’s association with children grew naturally enough out of his position as an eldest son with eight younger brothers and sisters. He also had a stammer that he never wholly overcame. These factors may have contributed to Dodgson often seemed more comfortable with children rather than adults. This is probably the reason for his  beginning to entertain the children of Henry George Liddell, dean of Christ Church. Alice Liddell and her sisters Lorina and Edith  undoubtedly held an especially high place in his affections—partly because they were the only children in Christ Church, since only heads of houses were free both to marry and to continue in residence.

Alice remembered that in 1932, they used to sit on the big sofa on each side of him, while he told us stories, illustrating them by pencil or ink drawings as he went along.…He seemed to have an endless store of these fantastical tales, which he made up as he told them, drawing busily on a large sheet of paper all the time. They were not always entirely new. Sometimes they were new versions of old stories; sometimes they started on the old basis, but grew into new tales owing to the frequent interruptions which opened up fresh and undreamed-of possibilities.

Origins and publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

On July 4, 1862, Dodgson, another friend, and the children picnicked on the banks of the Thame River.“On which occasion,” wrote Dodgson in his diary, “I told them the fairy-tale of Alice’s Adventures Underground, which I undertook to write out for Alice.” Much of the story was based on a picnic a couple of weeks earlier when they had all been caught in the rain; for some reason, this inspired Dodgson to tell so much better a story than usual that both Duckworth and Alice noticed the difference, and Alice went so far as to cry, when they parted at the door of the deanery, “Oh, Mr. Dodgson, I wish you would write out Alice’s adventures for me!” Dodgson himself recollected in 1887 how, in a desperate attempt to strike out some new line of fairy-lore, I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole, to begin with, without the least idea what was to happen afterwards.

Dodgson was able to write down the story more or less as told and added to it several extra adventures that had been told on other occasions. He illustrated it with his own crude but distinctive drawings and gave the finished product to Alice Liddell, with no thought of hearing of it again. But a famous novelist named Henry Kingsley, while visiting the deanery, chanced to pick it up from the drawing-room table, read it, and urged Mrs. Liddell to persuade the author to publish it. Dodgson, honestly surprised, consulted his friend George Macdonald, author of some of the best children’s stories of the period. Macdonald took it home to be read to his children, and his son Greville, aged six, declared that he “wished there were 60,000 volumes of it.”

Accordingly, Dodgson revised it for publication. He commissioned John Tenniel, the Punch magazine cartoonist, to make illustrations to his specification. The book was published as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. 

The book was a slow but steadily increasing success, and by the following year Dodgson was already considering a sequel to it, based on further stories told to the Liddells. The result was Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (dated 1872; actually published December 1871), a work as good as, or better than, its predecessor.

By the time of Dodgson’s death (1898), Alice  had become the most popular children’s 
book in England: by 1932 it was one of the most  popular and perhaps the most famous 
in the world.

There is no answer to the mystery of Alice’s success.  The book is not an allegory; it has no hidden meaning or message, either religious, political, or psychological, as some have tried to prove. Its only undertones are some touches of gentle satire.

No matter the reason for its great success and longevity, it is a true classic piece of literature. The Alice stories have been a delight to children and adults alike for over a hundred years.

                  Example KWO for the first part of this article.


Monday, March 20, 2023

New Vocabulary DUE 3-27-23

HW w/ Answers

Translate these Spanish words into English

1   elefante elephant

2   ciudad city

3   arboles trees

4   feliz happy

5   visitantes visitors

6   bananas bananas

7   para entonces

8  otros others

9  coche car

10  coches cars

11   puerta puerta

12   jugar to play

13   primero first

14  pelota ball

15   dulce sweet

Translate these English words into Spanish

1   small pequeño

2   baby bebé

3   television televisión

4  friends amigos

5  the store la tienda

6  the street la calle

7  boy niño

8  police policía

9  coconut coco

10  park parque

11  finally por fin

12  delicious delicioso

How do you say “little elephant" without using the word pequeño? elefantito

Thursday, March 9, 2023

He Ain't Heavy; He's my Brother

The road is long                                          For I know
With many a winding turn                           He would not encumber me
That leads us to who knows where             He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Who knows where                                       If I'm laden at all
But I'm strong                                              I'm laden with sadness
Strong enough to carry him                         That everyone's heart
He ain't heavy, he's my brother                    Isn't filled with the gladness 
                                                                     Of love for one another

So on we go                                                It's a long, long road
His welfare is of my concern                       From which . . . 
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there

​“He ain’t heavy, Father… he’s m’ brother.”

Those iconic words have symbolized the spirit of Boys Town for decades. But many people don’t know how it originated.

Back in 1918, a boy named Howard Loomis was abandoned by his mother at Father Flanagan’s Home for Boys, which had opened just a year earlier. Howard had polio and wore heavy leg braces. Walking was difficult for him, especially when he had to go up or down steps.

Soon, several of the Home’s older boys were carrying Howard up and down the stairs.

One day, Father Flanagan asked Reuben Granger, one of those older boys, if carrying Howard was hard.

Reuben replied, “He ain’t heavy, Father… he’s m’ brother.”

The beauty of loving your neighbor (or brother) is also illustrated in the book, The Parables of Jesus. Written in 1884, the Reverend James Wells uses an almost identical expression. He writes a story about a little girl carrying her baby brother on her back. When asked whether she was tired, the girl replied, “No, he’s not heavy; he’s my brother.”

Father Flanagan was most definitely moved by the pure love behind such a statement.

In 1943, Father Flanagan was paging through a copy of Ideal magazine when he saw an image of an older boy carrying a younger boy on his back. The caption read, “He ain’t heavy, mister… he’s my brother.”

Immediately, the priest was reminded of a photo of Reuben carrying Howard at a Boys Town picnic many years before. Father Flanagan wrote to the magazine and requested permission to use the image and quote. The magazine agreed, and Boys Town adopted them both to define its new brand.

“He ain’t heavy” is relevant beyond Boys Town, though. At some point in our lives, most of us have needed to be carried by someone, metaphorically speaking. And, at some point, we probably carried somebody else. We’re human. We stumble. And we look to each other for help when we do. It is important to ask yourself who has carried you. It is also important to carry our brothers and sisters when they need us.

Over 100 years later, the motto is still the best description of what the children at Boys Town learn about the importance of caring for each other and having someone care about them. This is a wonderful lesson for everyone. Our "brother" is everyone. Father Flanagan started quite a wonderful legacy.

Additional sources you might want to use for your essay:



Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Jabberwocky  1871

by LEWIS CARROLL    (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)      born: January 27, 1832 - died: January 14, 1898
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought--
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One two! One two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
BRAINSTORMING ideas for paragraph topics: 
feel free to use the extra info for padding your introduction and conclusion if it is congruous

• --> 
Bio on Lewis Carroll 

• --> written in 1871 - background info on the time period

• --> History of nonsense stories / could include  a look at specific words / could include an example of how we understand the nonsense words based on syntax and similarity of sounds / could include how many nonsense words are in the book and a closer look at a couple  

• --> Analyze the literal v. the possible figurative meaning(s) of the story. What might it represent?

• --> Take a look at the many ways this has been interpreted in performance situations.

• --> Dive deeper into the weapon used. What does that tell us about the story, the character, the time period, etc. ?

• --> Compare to other stories that result in victory over a foe or threat.
(Possibly St. George and the Dragon, Abayoyo, David and Goliath, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Beowulf

• -->  Look at the alternate POV. What might the the story be from the Jabberwock's perspective?

• --> Why is this an appealing story & poem for both children and adults?  Analysis of Carroll's "Jabberwocky" 

• --> What is the Jabberwocky? What does it represent? What other beasts is it like? 

• --> A comparison to Voldemort from Harry Potter, Grendel from Beowulf, Frankenstein, Dracula, the Kraken from Norse Mythology, Scylla from Homer's Odyssey,  Balrog from Lord of the Rings, or Smaug from The Hobbit

• --> Which of the "Seven Basic Plots" is Jabberwocky?  
Why might it be compared to Beowulf or Lord of the Rings?

• --> A discussion of the topic clincher that Lewis uses in the book. Is it effective. Why? or why not? What does it mean?