Thursday, March 30, 2023

Jabberwocky Compare/Contrast Essay

IDEAS  for the comparisons . . . 

fantasy setting  

as w/ Tolkien series, Percy Jackson, King Arthur,  Odysseus

young boy as hero  ("son" and "boy")

David, Percy Jackson, The Little Prince

willing hero archetype  

David, King Arthur, Harriet Tubman

hero setting out on a great quest  (“long time the maxome foe he sought”) 

Harriet Tubman, Phileas Fogg from Around the World in 80 Days, Christopher Columbus)

other dangers (“Jub Jub bird and Bandersnatch”)  

A Night Divided, by Jennifer A. Nielsen- the problems along the way to freedom,

The Wizard of Oz)

seemingly insurmountable foe and/or other dangers

Atticus Finch/prejudice, David/Goliath

foe sneaking up on the hero (“and an in uffish thought he stood. . .& burbled as it came)

cutting off of the foe's head 

David/ Goliath, Hercules/Hydra, Beowulf/Grendel

hero's welcome  

Donner Party returning to settlement, Cast Away protagonist, returning soldiers)


the Wicked Witch - the Wizard of Oz, Goliath - the Bible, Abiyoyo - African Folktale,

Smaug -Tolkien, the Terrible Whatzit -Dick Gackenbach, Jadis - Narnia, the Grinch -

Dr. Suess

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