Monday, April 10, 2023

TSI Writing Prompts Help and Organization

TSI Essay: The Texas College and Career Readiness Writing standards ask students to write essays that “demonstrate clear focus, the logical development of ideas in well-organized paragraphs, and the use of appropriate language that advances the author’s purpose.” 

I. Overview: 
The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express your ideas in writing. You will first read a short passage and an assignment question that are focused on an important issue. You will then write an essay in which you develop your own point of view on the issue. You should support your position with appropriate reasoning and examples. The position you take will not influence your score. 

II. Essay Writing Tips: ( Time Limit: 1 Hour) 

1. Carefully read the prompt; determine the issue; determine your point of view. 

2. Divide the essay into at least four (4) paragraphs: 

A. Paragraph I: Introductory Paragraph: 

Address the prompt; state the issue covered by the prompt. 

Make a claim; state your point of view concerning the issue addressed in the prompt. 

Support the claim; state what evidence will be used in the essay to support your claim; use at least two examples or reasons that will be discussed in the Body Paragraphs. 

B. Paragraph II: Body Paragraph: 

Discuss the first example or reason that supports your point of view. Be sure to give specific details 

C. Paragraph II: Body Paragraph: 

Discuss the second example or reason that supports your point of view. Be sure to give specific details 

D. Paragraph IV: Concluding Paragraph: 

Summarize your essay: Summarize your examples and point of view. 

3. Carefully reread the essay; correct obvious errors and awkward sentences.

III. Sample Prompt and Essay: 

An actor, when his cue came, was unable to move onto the stage. He said, “I can’t get in, the chair is in the way.” And the producer said, “Use the difficulty. If it’s a drama, pick the chair up and smash it. If it’s comedy, fall over it.” From this experience the actor concluded that in any situation in life that is negative, there is something positive you can do with it. 

Adapted from Lawrence Eisenberg, “Caine Scrutiny.” 

Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? 

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