Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Career Essay (2 Phases)

Write your essay about a career you are interested in OR on someone who has/had the career that you are interested in.

Phase ONE

If you are interested in becoming an astronaut, you might want to write about John Glenn or Neil Armstrong.

If you are interested in teaching, you might want to write about Aristotle or St. Elizabeth Ann Seton or Anne Sullivan.

If you are interested in becoming a lawyer, you might want to write about Abraham Lincoln or Sam Houston or Teresa Collett.

If you are interested in becoming an artist, you might want to write about Botticelli or Caravaggio.

If you are interested in working to forward the pro-life movement, you might want to write about Abby Johnson or Tim Tebow.

If you are interested in becoming an engineer, you might want to write about Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk or Sarah Guppy.

If you are interested in becoming a doctor, you might want to write about Dr. Michael DeBakey, Hippocrates, or Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

Phase TWO

Address details such as:

Best schools for this major 
Average time to complete the education necessary for this career  (Explain)
Different hiring scenarios   (What companies or other options are there?) 
Demand in the marketplace for this career
Average beginning salary
Average workload 

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