Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Cincinnatus Rules Rome (Lesson 8)


1)  Complete PAGES 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78 in your book.

2)  KWO the text (handwritten) 
3)  Your ESSAY is a re-write of the narrative's plot. 
YOU are to change the setting and characters! 
4)  Remember your CHECKLIST  
   See side bar of this website. Click on the picture of the checklist to get the template.  -->

All formatting rules apply.
Indicate 1 of each DRESS UP 
Indicate OPENERs S, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 
5)  Highlight VOCABULARY words in cyan blue if you want the extra credit!  ;-)

NO banned words, NO contractions, NO dialogue 
Be cognizant of paragraphs. Use the source text as a guide if you are not sure when to start a new paragraph.

5)  Keep up with the VOCABULARY.  Test of all words to date on November 8.
6)  Reminder: Working PORTFOLIO due November 8.


LAGNIAPPE just for fun!
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus  519 - 439BC

The story retold by James Baldwin:

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