Monday, November 13, 2023

Character Analysis Template

This is an example of a completed Character Analysis Template.  It is from a book called 2525 Springview Road (a manuscript of a book not yet published).

This will help you with understand how to fill out a Character Analysis Template.

What are two strong character traits of Minke?

Character Trait 1) Minke is kind hearted.

Character Trait 2) Minke is imaginative.

Find three proofs in the book to support each character trait. Be sure to include the chapter and page number. Under each proof, write an OPINION STATEMENT. That simply means to write your opinion about the proof.

1st proof from the book for Character Trait 1 (kind hearted)

Chapter: 2

page(s): 67

"Minke's heart swelled with love as she held the baby bunny. She would never let the puppy anywhere near this tiny, helpless, fluffy creature. Her Papa always told Minke that her kindness was like a ray of sunshine. She just knew her Papa would build the perfect bunny hutch for her new little pet."


Minke's protectiveness toward the little rabbit was an example of her tender and kind heart. Her Papa even tells her that she is compassionate and uses a wonderful simile to reiterate the point.

2nd  proof from the book for Character Trait 1  (kind hearted)

Chapter: 5

page(s): 150

"Bite her back!" Aunt Marigold told Minke. "She bit you, and she will never learn unless you bite her back!"

"But, Aunt Marigold, I can't bite her," whispered Minke. Her lips trembled and she felt her heart would break. "I can't b-b-b-bite her because I love her." Tears rolled down Minke's cheeks, and all she wanted to do was hug her friend and forgive her.


Although Minke was hurt by her friend, she would not retaliate. Her aunt gives her permission to literally "bite back," but she will not. Minke's kindness is not swayed in the least even though she is hurt. Her kindness flows out as pure love and forgiveness.

3rd proof from the book for Character Trait 1  (kind hearted)

Chapter: 8

page(s): 243

Sharon hugged her best friend, Minke. Minke giggled in anticipation because she could not wait to surprise Sharon. Minke reached into her dress pocket and pulled out the box with the necklace in it.

"Here, Sharon, Happy Birthday!" she said.

Sharon opened the box and blushed with delight. "But, Minke! This is your favorite necklace!"

"It was," said Minke, "but now it is your favorite necklace. It will look beautiful with your blue eyes. I want you to have it."


Minke's kindness was selfless. She felt more pleasure in making her friend happy than she did in material possessions. Minke's generosity was a product of her genuine kindness.

1st  proof from the book for Character Trait 2 (imaginative)

Chapter: 1

page(s): 46

The tree swayed in the breeze and dappled sunlight danced in the grass. Minke squinted her eyes and imagined hundreds of glistening fairies playfully shimmering as they chased each other in the clover.


Minke's imagination was so fanciful that she could conjure up images of dancing fairies! Many children would appreciate the beauty of the sun shining through the trees, but it would take an especially creative child to imagine fairies in the grass.

2nd  proof from the book for Character Trait 2 (imaginative)

Chapter: 4

page(s): 138

Sharon and Minke walked arm in arm down the oak lined avenue. Minke told Sharon the story she had made up about the oak trees. The oaks were the mighty protectors of the neighborhood. Each evening they spread their strong branches out and kept everyone safe. Sharon sighed and smiled. Minke's stories always made her feel safe and happy.


Minke spins yarns that comfort Sharon and make her happy. That is something that only an imaginative (and kind) person can do.

3rd  proof from the book for Character Trait 2 (imaginative)



"Sharon was so proud of her friend, Minke. The storyteller award was a great honor and Minke deserved it. The teacher had even congratulated Minke with a big hug and told the class that no one had ever won the award two years in a row."


Both Sharon and their teacher acknowledge Minke's creativeness. Because creativeness is a result of an active imagination, these two characters validate Minke's imagination.

CHECK to make sure you included an opinion statement after each proof. Your opinion statements should answer the question, “How does this proof from the book show or prove the character trait?”

Be sure to use quotation marks for the words from the book.


Title of Book

What are two strong character traits of ______?

Character Trait 1)

Character Trait 2)

Find three proofs in the book to support each character trait. Be sure to include the chapter and page number. Under each proof, write an OPINION STATEMENT. That simply means to write your opinion about the proof.

1st proof from the book for Character Trait 1




2nd  proof from the book for Character Trait 1 




3rd proof from the book for Character Trait 1 




1st  proof from the book for Character Trait 2




2nd  proof from the book for Character Trait 2




3rd  proof from the book for Character Trait 2




CHECK to make sure you included an opinion statement after each proof. Your opinion statements should answer the question, “How does this proof from the book show or prove the character trait?”

Be sure to use quotation marks for the words from the book.


Now you can use your template to write a character analysis essay.

Include an Introduction and Conclusion

Intro example (as easy as 1, 2, 3):

1 Hook

2 Synopsis

3 Thesis Statement

Hook sentence (something to make the reader pay attention).


The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a classic novella that everyone should read.


A perfect pearl leads to suffering and sorrow in John Steinbeck's famous novella, The Pearl.


John Steinbeck's The Pearl is a parable wrapped in a novella that tells the tale of Kino, his wife, Juana, and their child, Coyotito.


The Pearl, written by the esteemed John Steinbeck, is a parable written in the form of a novella that is classically timeless and compelling.

A SHORT synopsis of the book may be added next (optional for novice students) 

The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a classic novella about a young man named Kino who finds a valuable pearl. He tries to sell the pearl for it holds the key to opportunity and wealth. He even heads to the capital, which involves a great journey, to try and sell it. In the end, however, Kino believes that the pearl is cursed. His journey from his finding of the pearl to the very end of the story reveals layers of his personality and the way his values change. Throughout the novella, Kino displays a deep rooted and growing greed, but also quite a lot of determination. (TY to N. for this example!)

Tell your reader which character you have chosen.

Then tell the reader the two character traits of this character that shape his or her personality and the story.

Thesis statement: Tell the reader what these two character traits are.

The character traits that determine Kino choices and drive the plot are _______ and ________

From N's essay:

Throughout the novella, Kino displays a deep rooted and growing greed, but also quite a lot of determination.


The conclusion begins with a related thesis statement.

In order to write a related your thesis, remember that the meaning of your thesis should not change, but the words need to. This is sometimes called a "related thesis."  


Generic EXAMPLE:
Thesis Statement: Some of the most impactful inventions of the nineteenth century that changed the way we live were the telephone, the bicycle, and plastic.

Related Thesis: It is obvious that these three nineteenth-century inventions dramatically changed our lifestyles. 

EXAMPLE from The Pearl character analysis essay:

Thesis Statement: The character traits that determine Kino choices are protectiveness and growing greed.

Related Thesis:  Kino's greed and protectiveness, two seemingly dissimilar character traits, combine to drive Kino to tragic decisions.

The conclusion should include a "most significant" statement. Your most significant statement must reiterate a paragraph topic. In the case of a character analysis essay, for this statement you must choose one of the character traits.

The clincher must connect to the topic (hook) sentence.

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