Saturday, January 13, 2024

Mermaid Tears Legend (Source Text)

    Long ago, on a dark and stormy night, a Schooner was out on a raging sea.  The vessel was being tossed about in the violent waters of the ocean by a terrible storm.  Swimming alongside the Schooner was a beautiful mermaid. She had fallen in love with the ship's Captain and was very worried about his safety. The mermaid had the power to change the course of nature and calm the violently blowing winds. It was in her nature to be able to still the waves.

    Her dilemma was that she was forbidden to do this by Neptune, the god of the sea. He was a mighty and intimidating god. Although she was frightened of what he might do if she disobeyed, she used her power to stilled the sea and calm the winds. The Schooner and the Captain she loved so dearly were able to make it to safety to shore.

    Because of this disobedient act, Neptune, sentenced her to a life of solitude in the ocean. She was never  allowed to be near her beloved Captain again. To this day she weeps in her loneliness, and her "Mermaid tears" still wash up on beaches everywhere.

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