Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Portfolio (to date)

 It is time to turn in your PORTFOLIO (to date).

PORTFOLIOs are an organized accumulation of your completed essays to date. 
You should have a slender 3 ring binder (or something similar) in which to hold your essays. 

Be sure to place every completed essay in its own page protector.

Assemble them in chronological order with the most current in the front.

Compose a "Table of Contents" as your cover page. I have provided an example below. DO NOT number your pages.

Print out your essays with NO indications.  You can read comments or just apply knowledge you have gained throughout the year.

For example:

no banned words
1s,  4s,  5s, and 7s always need a comma
NO comma with bc DRESS UPs
(2) with 4 or more words MUST have a comma,
Apply the cc rule (comma/conjunction rule)


Ashurbanipal's Library  

The Mayans and Chocolate  

King Tut  

The Epic of Gilgamesh 

Cincinnatus Rules Rome 

The Trojan Horse          

The Sword of Damocles   

The Wind and the Sun

Roman Aqueducts   

Roman Hypocaust System  

The Lighthouse of Alexandria  

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 


Info for our timeline (coming up soon)

Ashurbanipal's Library  
The Mayans and Chocolate  (500s AD)
King Tut  (early 1300s BC)
The Epic of Gilgamesh  (~2500 BC)
     Text discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard in the 
     Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh.
Cincinnatus Rules Rome (early 500s BC)
The Trojan Horse           (1194 to 1184 BC)
The Sword of Damocles    (45 BC)
The Wind and the Sun
     Dates back to ancient Greece. It is most commonly considered an Aesop's Fable. (620 BC to 564 BC)
Roman Aqueducts    (312 BC to 226 AD)
Roman Hypocaust System  (200s BC)
The Lighthouse of Alexandria   (247 BC)
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  (~600 BC)

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