Saturday, February 17, 2024

Stevie Wonder and JennnyLynn Dietrich

2) Deaf Blind /JennnyLynn Dietrich 
Watch and answer the questions at the bottom of this post.


TED TALK - Deaf Blind

IN YOUR ONLINE NOTEBOOK: Complete and answer the following: 

1) Autonomy -  This means to make fully informed decisions without ________________________.

2) JennyLynn tells us the names of two women who are strong advocates in the deaf/blind community. What are the names of the two women?

3) According to JennyLynn, is s anyone completely independent in our world? Why or why not?

4) What does SSP stand for? (~5.23 time mark)

5) Complete this: Jenny says, "We are not here for you to pity us . . . . .  We are here to live _________________." 

6) Who is the man behind JennyLynn?  What is he doing?

7) (~10:15 time mark) What are the pieces of advice Jenny Lynn gives to the general public? 
There are at least 6 action items.

Write an essay comparing Stevie Wonder and JennyLynn's lives.

Compete a KWO for this?

What do they have in common? 

They are quite far apart in age. How is the world better or worse for deaf, blind, and deaf/blind people different today than when Stevie Wonder was JennyLynn's age?

You may do a little outside research. CITE SOURCES!

Required stylistic requirements:
Indicate 1 of each BBs (AKA: DRESS UPs)




NO Contractions

Cite Sources

Handwritten KWO must be inserted into HW Doc

CHECKLIST required

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