Thursday, April 18, 2024

Rinsing After Meals

 SHORT VERSION (5 paragraphs)   9, 8, 4, 5, 4   (30 sentences total)

Rinsing After Meals

P1 Brushing and flossing every day is important for your overall health. Experts say there is one

more way to look after your teeth and gums. You should rinse your mouth with water after

you eat.    In order to understand the power of rinsing out your mouth, you first need to

understand pH. The initials pH stand for “potential hydrogen.”  The pH is the level of acidic

and basic compounds in the body. 0 is the most acidic, and 7 is neutral. 14 is the most basic,

or alkaline. Ideally, your mouth should remain at a neutral or basic pH, which is a 7. Mealtime

can make your mouth more acidic. (9)


P2 Every time you eat, your saliva breaks food down for digestion. This creates an acid

by-product. The acid is bad for your teeth.  Rinsing with water can help lower the pH in

the mouth. When you swish your mouth with water after every meal, you are making it

less acidic. That is better for your teeth.  The best time to rinse with water is immediately

after eating. This creates a cleaner mouth, which is healthier.  (8)

P3 Will mouthwash work instead?  Mouthwash does not replace swishing with some

H2O.  Many mouthwashes contain alcohol, an ingredient that lowers pH. If you use

mouthwash, make sure to choose an alcohol-free option. (4)

P4 Is it safe to brush your teeth after every meal instead?  The short answer is, “No!”  
It is actually better to rinse with water after your meal.  Make sure to wait 30 to 60 minutes before
brushing your teeth to avoid damaging your enamel. Rinsing with water right after eating is best.  (5)

P5 Rinsing after meals does not replace brushing and flossing. It is all about timing. 
Add the practice of rinsing your mouth with plain water right after every meal.
Remember to never skip brushing and flossing your teeth—if you can help it.   (4)

You don’t have to brush your teeth, just the ones you want to keep. – Author Unknown

Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you. — Soupy Sales

When you take care of your teeth, every word you speak, every smile you share,

becomes a testament to your health. — Author Unknown

Ignore your teeth and they’ll go away. ~ Unknown

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