Friday, April 5, 2024

Then vs. Than


  1. She preferred the red dress rather ______ the blue one.
  2. First, we will go to the park, and ______ we will have lunch.
  3. He is taller ______ his brother.
  4. If you study hard, ______ you will pass the exam.
  5. Are you coming to the party earlier ______ usual?
  6. I would rather have tea ______ coffee.
  7. We can go to the movies ______ we finish our homework.
  8. She would rather walk ______ take the bus.
  9. This room is smaller ______ the other room.
  10. Dale arrived later ______ expected.
  11. Jenny ran faster ______ Tom.
  12. Let’s go to the museum first, and ______ we can visit the zoo.
  13. I would rather watch a comedy ______ a horror movie.
  14. He was more tired ______ hungry after the long hike.
  15. Can you help me carry this, ______ I can finish setting up?
  16. She is more patient ______ her sister.
  17. Let’s finish this project first, and ______ we can go out to eat.
  18. He likes tea more ______ coffee.
  19. The cat is bigger ______ the dog.
  20. If it rains tomorrow, ______ we will stay indoors.
  21. Are you taller ______ me?
  22. Let’s go to the beach first, and ______ we can go shopping.
  23. I would rather read a book ______ watch TV.
  24. Jim woke up earlier ______ usual.
  25. She is more creative ______ her brother.

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