Thursday, May 23, 2024

A We Belong Poem

A We Belong Poem

We’re brave and we’re strong.
This is where we belong.

I have freckles.
I have an overbite.
I have a long nose.

We’re kind and we’re strong.
This is where we belong.

I have a tender heart.
I love jazz.
I’m a good listener.

We’re smart and we’re strong.
This is where we belong.

Many of my friends play pickleball, and I don’t.
I was bullied.
I wear a brace.

We’re kind and we’re strong–
When we’re right.
When we’re wrong.
And here, in this space,
This is where we belong!



Friday, May 17, 2024


 KWO= Key Word Outline

KWO rules 

Handwrite your KWO

2  Write the complete title  (& author if applicable)

3  Number the PARAGRAPHS and SENTENCES. 

4 Three words maximum per sentence

5  Numbers, symbols, and abbreviations – as many as you want  (do not go crazy!)                               

6  Proper names and places and businesses/organizations – may be written out completely if you need the spelling help. It does not count against the 3 word rule.

7  You can also write out all the words in a  “Quote”

WM Initializations, Abbreviations, and NOs Explained

Initializations and Abbreviations:

HW = Homework

BBs = BUILDING BLOCKS There are 7 BBs: w/w,  ly,  bc,  asia,  prep,  PA,  VV

            BBs NEVER start a sentence. BUILDING BLOCKS  are INSIDE the sentence.

w/w  = a who or which clause. Remember that

               a "who" clause is for people, anthropomorphized animals or things, and pets  

               a which clause is for animals and things

ly   =   an adverb ending in "ly". 

            Beware the "ly imposters."  Imposters like, family, silly, and Sally, do not count as "ly" adverbs! 

bc  =  because clause 

asia  =  when,  while,  where,  as,  since,  if,  although  (

prep =  preposition

PA  =  Precise Adjective

VV  =  Vivid Verb


PURR proof, edit, revise, repeat 
                (format, spelling, punctuation, no banned words, no contractions, no dialogue)

VSS  =  very short sentence (6)

OPs  =  OPENER (Special ways to start a sentence)

M3  =  Magic 3:  Three of the same part of speech in a sentence.

P2  =  Powerful 2:  Two of the same part of speech.

OWLs  =  Outstanding Words & Lexicon (advanced rhetorical devices)

BWs  =  Banned Words

TTBC  =  Title  Top  Bottom  Connection

KWO  =  Key Word Outline

NOs  = no banned words, no contractions, no dialogue

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

All About the CHECKLIST

A checklist is a list of the techniques that we use in class to make our writing better.


After writing an essay and indicating (labeling) all the required techniques, you should record them in a checklist.

You can copy and paste your own blank checklist by clicking on the picture of the checklist on the right sidebar. Here is a picture of a blank checklist. 

Here is an example of a checklist that is "filled in."  Notice that there is a snippet of each sentence in the checklist. Do not put in the whole sentence.   

w/w boy who ran (7) Enchanted by his
ly and fiercely fought (8) Determination was his
bc taught him because (9) To understand the
asia awoke when the (10) Stunning vistas in
prep tempered with great (11e) Vine covered walls . . . vine covered walls
PA Char's lacy dress (11d) Slowly, ever so slowly . . .
VV mule paced in
OPENERs (ANTHIMERIA) Gus book wormed his way
(S) It was always (IDIOM) to water ...can't make his drink
(1) Because she found (RETRO PC) Bazooka bubblegum pink
(2) Under her watchful
(3) Gracefully the skater MAGIC 3s
(4) Gliding across the (M3-v) running, playing, and napping
(5) Although the sun
(6) Clouds covered the moon. POWERFUL 2s
(P2-ly) swiftly and silently
(EPIZEUXIS) happy, happy, happy