Friday, May 17, 2024

WM Initializations, Abbreviations, and NOs Explained

Initializations and Abbreviations:

HW = Homework

BBs = BUILDING BLOCKS There are 7 BBs: w/w,  ly,  bc,  asia,  prep,  PA,  VV

            BBs NEVER start a sentence. BUILDING BLOCKS  are INSIDE the sentence.

w/w  = a who or which clause. Remember that

               a "who" clause is for people, anthropomorphized animals or things, and pets  

               a which clause is for animals and things

ly   =   an adverb ending in "ly". 

            Beware the "ly imposters."  Imposters like, family, silly, and Sally, do not count as "ly" adverbs! 

bc  =  because clause 

asia  =  when,  while,  where,  as,  since,  if,  although  (

prep =  preposition

PA  =  Precise Adjective

VV  =  Vivid Verb


PURR proof, edit, revise, repeat 
                (format, spelling, punctuation, no banned words, no contractions, no dialogue)

VSS  =  very short sentence (6)

OPs  =  OPENER (Special ways to start a sentence)

M3  =  Magic 3:  Three of the same part of speech in a sentence.

P2  =  Powerful 2:  Two of the same part of speech.

OWLs  =  Outstanding Words & Lexicon (advanced rhetorical devices)

BWs  =  Banned Words

TTBC  =  Title  Top  Bottom  Connection

KWO  =  Key Word Outline

NOs  = no banned words, no contractions, no dialogue

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