Saturday, April 29, 2023

Cat Quotes & 9 Strange Behaviors Explained

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” - William Shakespeare

“In a cat’s eye, all things belong to cats.”  - English Proverb

“Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later” – Mary Bly

“Cats choose us; we don’t own them.” - Lewis Carroll

“Just watching my cats can make me happy.” – Paula Cole

“In a cat’s eye, all things belong to cats”- Unknown

“If cats could talk, they wouldn’t.” - Unknown

“What greater gift than the love of a cat?” -Jim Davis (Garfield)

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." -Terry Pratchett 

“What greater gift than the love of a cat?” - Jim Davis

“Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later” – Mary Bly

Cats come and go without ever moving. - Unknown

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” – Terry Pratchett

“If cats could talk, they wouldn’t.” – Nan Porter

I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” – Jean Cocteau

“I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days.” – Bill Dana

“Cats are inquisitive, but hate to admit it.” – Mason Cooley

“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” – Charles Dickens

“Cats are not required to make sense” - Unknown

“There is no sane way of explaining a cat.”  -Unknown

“Cats are inquisitive, but hate to admit it.” - Unknown

Friday, April 21, 2023

Where I'm From

 Where I'm From

Template This template has been used in writing assignments at the Campbell Folk School in North Carolina, Lisa Davis' Colorado Class, and Mrs. Cortez's 2012-13 IEW Class.

1 I am from _______ (specific ordinary item), from _______ (product name) and _______.
 I am from the _______ (home description... adjective, adjective, sensory detail).
 I am from the _______ (plant, flower, natural item), the _______ (plant, flower, natural detail)
 I am from _______ (family tradition) and _______ (family trait), from _______ (name of family member) and _______ (another family name) and _______ (family name).
 I am from the _______ (description of family tendency) and _______ (another one).
 From _______ (something you were told as a child) and _______ (another).
 I am from (representation of religion, or lack of it). Further description.
 I'm from _______ (place of birth and family ancestry), _______ (two food items representing your family).
 From the _______ (specific family story about a specific person and detail), the _______ (another detail, and the _______ (another detail about another family member).
 I am from _______ (location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).

The beautiful poem by George Ella Lyons called "Where I'm From." inspired this exercise

Where I'm From
by George Ella Lyons
1• I am from clothespins,
from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
I am from the dirt under the black porch.
(Black, glistening
it tasted like beets.)
 I am from the forsythia bush,
the Dutch elm
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.

4• I'm from fudge and eyeglasses,
from Imogene and Alafair.
I'm from the know-it-alls
and the pass-it-ons,
from perk up and pipe down.
I'm from He restoreth my soul
with a cottonball lamb
and ten verses I can say myself.
7• I'm from Artemus and Billie's Branch,
fried corn and strong coffee.
From the finger my grandfather lost
to the auger
the eye my father shut to keep his sight.
Under my bed was a dress box
spilling old pictures,
a sift of lost faces
to drift beneath my dreams.
I am from those moments-
snapped before I budded-
leaf-fall from the family tree.


Anna (9 years old) 

Where I'm From

I am from the little log cabin across the pasture from Jesus' house; from multi-colored elastic pony-tail holders, from Polly Pockets, tea parties, Nancy Drew and Scrabble. 

I am from the cozy and crowded, snug and comfortable, the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg. I am from aspen and pine trees, mountain and prairie. From bad singing on birthdays and twenty-zillion pies at Thanksgiving.

I am from Nina and Grandmom, from Davises and Chenoweths -- choir singers, movie quoters and hula-hoopers from way back.  From "Do unto others" and "Offer it up."  I am from my Roman Catholic Faith, undiluted, unchanged, full of life and love and bounded by the rules and the rosary and the Mass and from flowers and pictures pinned around statues of the saints.

I'm from the the rolling plains and fertile valleys in the shadow of the mighty Colorado Rockies; from Ireland, and England, and Wales, and Germany. 

I'm from quesadillas and bread sticks and potato soup.  From Colcanon on St. Patrick's and Bouillabaisse on New Year's and chai in the morning if I'm lucky.

I am from my four big brothers' snowstorm "white-outs;" my three big sisters' music and baking; my little brothers' in trouble for bouncing on the couch. I'm from sitting on the sidelines giggling at all of them. 

I'm from a billion photos on the hard-drive and a dozen tacked over the desk nearby; from a ten-sibling pyramid, and mountain top hikes, and board game bonanzas in a log cabin in the mountains.

I am from love and hugs and sibling squabbles; from a Mommy just waiting to hear what I'll say next and a Daddy who loves and "whoops up" unconditionally.  I am from memories and love to last me a lifetime.

And then some.

Where I'm From
1 I am from wooden spoons and a dinner bell, from my Peugeot racer and pom-pommed white roller skates.
 I am from rolling hills and a big back yard stretching acres and acres and acres; from the aroma of freshly baked bread, my Mother's Shalimar, and her beautiful laughter.
 I am from the Japanese Red Maple and the Mimosa tree filled with fragrant flowering blooms, our vegetable garden teeming with tomatoes and green peppers and green beans.
 I am from praying together and family meetings, from the family in Cincy and the Old Farm.
 I am from reading, laughter, and dancing; listening in awe to thunderstorms, watching snowfalls, raking leaves, walking barefoot in the summer.
 From I love you, God loves you, and Yaté Meluyum.
 I am from the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Methodist Sunday School; from finding truth and miracles. I am from philia and agape.
 I'm from the state of virtue, liberty, and independence, and a kaleidoscope of nationalities; from my Mary's pasta and spaghetti gravy, Mom's eye roast; from halupkis and Mamaw's southern fried chicken
 From my father's speed on the football field to my mother's grace on the dance floor, the harmonizing voices on the Wolf side, and the cob pipe of my Indian grandmother; from the daily reminders of God's blessings.
 I am from shoeboxes of family photographs filled with with warm recollections of people, places, and pets; the smiling familiar faces tickle my memory and I remember my family loves me . . . and God loves me.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Career Essay (2 Phases)

Write your essay about a career you are interested in OR on someone who has/had the career that you are interested in.

Phase ONE

If you are interested in becoming an astronaut, you might want to write about John Glenn or Neil Armstrong.

If you are interested in teaching, you might want to write about Aristotle or St. Elizabeth Ann Seton or Anne Sullivan.

If you are interested in becoming a lawyer, you might want to write about Abraham Lincoln or Sam Houston or Teresa Collett.

If you are interested in becoming an artist, you might want to write about Botticelli or Caravaggio.

If you are interested in working to forward the pro-life movement, you might want to write about Abby Johnson or Tim Tebow.

If you are interested in becoming an engineer, you might want to write about Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk or Sarah Guppy.

If you are interested in becoming a doctor, you might want to write about Dr. Michael DeBakey, Hippocrates, or Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

Phase TWO

Address details such as:

Best schools for this major 
Average time to complete the education necessary for this career  (Explain)
Different hiring scenarios   (What companies or other options are there?) 
Demand in the marketplace for this career
Average beginning salary
Average workload 

Monday, April 10, 2023

TSI Writing Prompts Help and Organization

TSI Essay: The Texas College and Career Readiness Writing standards ask students to write essays that “demonstrate clear focus, the logical development of ideas in well-organized paragraphs, and the use of appropriate language that advances the author’s purpose.” 

I. Overview: 
The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express your ideas in writing. You will first read a short passage and an assignment question that are focused on an important issue. You will then write an essay in which you develop your own point of view on the issue. You should support your position with appropriate reasoning and examples. The position you take will not influence your score. 

II. Essay Writing Tips: ( Time Limit: 1 Hour) 

1. Carefully read the prompt; determine the issue; determine your point of view. 

2. Divide the essay into at least four (4) paragraphs: 

A. Paragraph I: Introductory Paragraph: 

Address the prompt; state the issue covered by the prompt. 

Make a claim; state your point of view concerning the issue addressed in the prompt. 

Support the claim; state what evidence will be used in the essay to support your claim; use at least two examples or reasons that will be discussed in the Body Paragraphs. 

B. Paragraph II: Body Paragraph: 

Discuss the first example or reason that supports your point of view. Be sure to give specific details 

C. Paragraph II: Body Paragraph: 

Discuss the second example or reason that supports your point of view. Be sure to give specific details 

D. Paragraph IV: Concluding Paragraph: 

Summarize your essay: Summarize your examples and point of view. 

3. Carefully reread the essay; correct obvious errors and awkward sentences.

III. Sample Prompt and Essay: 

An actor, when his cue came, was unable to move onto the stage. He said, “I can’t get in, the chair is in the way.” And the producer said, “Use the difficulty. If it’s a drama, pick the chair up and smash it. If it’s comedy, fall over it.” From this experience the actor concluded that in any situation in life that is negative, there is something positive you can do with it. 

Adapted from Lawrence Eisenberg, “Caine Scrutiny.” 

Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? 

Cross Posted:

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Introductions and Conclusions (General)

THE INTRODUCTION (3 things to remember)

1) Open w/ an attention grabber to hook the audience’s interest.  

This sentence (topic sentence) should connect to the clincher & possibly to the title. (TT/CC)

Consider these options:

  • fact or statistic (if it is fascinating/ startling/ compelling)
  • anecdote or personal experience (an intriguing example)       
  • rhetorical question (thought-provoking)        
  • bold pronouncement   
  • great quote (It must make sense with your essay - consider a song lyric, part of a nursery rhyme, well known tag line, part of a poem)
  • inverted pyramid  
  • riddle, joke, play on words                                                 

2) Avoid statements like, “In this paper, I will . . . . “

Say what you mean in a declarative sentence. 

3) Include your THESIS STATEMENT

Write a 3 pronged academic thesis statement. It tells your reader what your three topics are. Your thesis is at the end of the introduction. 


What are your three topics?

(What is the main idea of paragraph 1) Topic 1

(What is the main idea of paragraph 2) Topic 2

(What is the main idea of paragraph 3) Topic 3    



• In order to better understand Twyla Tharp, one must be familiar with her early life, her choreography, and her life philosophy.

• It is important to consider Gene Kelly's childhood, training, & career highlights. 

• The science fiction phenomenon of Dr. Who is best understood after examining the show's timeline, the common themes of the plots, and the growth of its audience demographic.


THE CONCLUSION  (3 things to remember)

1) Recap the three topics (do not use the exact words as the thesis sentence ,but it IS the same information)

2) Do not add new information in your conclusion (unless specifically called for in the directions).

3) These should be your last and/or second to last sentences

--> “The most significant thing about (your main idea of the essay is/was  (one topic paragraph point).

--> The clincher must connects to the topic sentence (and perhaps the title) (TT/CC)


(TT/CC) = Title/ Topic/ Clincher/ Connection

Topic sentence -- the first sentence (aka: hook)

Clincher -- the last sentence

The Topic and Clincher sentences must always Connect (reflect, refract, or repeat)

The Title must Connect to one or the other (Topic or Clincher sentence)